Your Connection to Everything

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Are you feeling out of place in this world?

Do you feel alone and different from the masses?

Yet this aloneness comes from the perspective that we’re separate from everything. We use our eyes to perceive an ‘out there’ but from a universal perspective there is no ‘out there’. It’s all ‘in-here’.

When you read the ‘in-here’ part I want you to place your hand in your heart.

That’s the ‘in-here’ I’m taking about.

‘In-here’ is your consciousness. It’s your awareness of being aware.

Everything is consciousness. From the tiniest of particles to the grandeur of the cosmos. It’s all the same awareness. Just like your toe has an awareness of being your toe, so does your thumb. Two separate perspectives but the same carrier, the body.

It’s all alive. Even the space between things. Between you on the chair 🪑 and the space between the table you’re sitting at. It’s all alive. It’s all conscious. And it’s all you.

A mentor once said to me after an business event that ‘the universe is inside you’. I’ll always remember those words.

There are a couple of ways to feel your connection to everything.

1. Stop what you’re doing and be still.

Put all of your awarness, focus and attention on your heart centre until you feel a shift in your awareness. Then slowly feel your heart expand as it fills the room, then your city, then your country, then the planet, then the cosmos.

Feel it with such intensity that you become the universe.

2. Look at something that inspires awe inside you. Something that has such beauty for you.

A flower.

A sunset.

A sunrise.

A piece of art 🖼 or music 🎶

The mountains.

Anything that inspires awe. Then allow that expansion to happen. Feel your connection to everything and everybody.

This is the process of simply allowing your beingness to re-connect. To re-member.

As you practice this, your life begins to shift.

Your manifestations increase because you allow them to flow through your awareness to your connection to the unified field where all your desires exist waiting for you to call them in.

Practice your connection to everything and your world will change before your very eyes because everything is you and you are in everything.

Anna x

Anna Krajacic