

Because You Know You Were Meant For More

3 Days of the most powerful transformational content!

Breakthrough your limitations to create the most magnificent life that is bursting to come through you because you can’t wait for wonderful anymore.

Hi, I’m Anna.

I have been studying the laws of the universe now for about 3 decades and there is one thing that I have learned which was the best gift I could have ever given myself. The gift of knowing who we truly are!

I created this masterclass because I want you to liberate yourself from the chains of this reality that is stopping women from living a live of true desire and fulfillment.

I have put together the most powerful concepts in this training that have been the core of my transformation. Not only that, but being in my presence when I teach has a profound impact on my students because being in proximity to me, something becomes activated in your reality.

This training changes lives. Pure and simple.

It awakens something that has been lying dormant within you, for possibly decades, because no-one has shown you how to activate it.

This Masterclass training will shift your perception of SELF.

It will shift your BELIEFS about what is possible for you.

It will will give you a roadmap to your WORTHINESS.

And it will IGNITE something so powerful that you will wonder where the heck this enthusiasm, joy and sudden passion for existence came from.

It’s always been within you, but life has buried it.

Here is your chance to IGNITE the inner dream within because you were meant for more.

All dissatisfaction in life is about not living your purpose. Period.

I can show you how to find it!

This training was originally a free program only available for 5 days, however, it is so potent that I wanted this to be available to purchase so that women can have permanent access for the lifetime of the program.

Explore Your Self Perception

What you will learn in Day 1

* How to blast through the limitations you have placed on yourself

* The most amazing insight on ho w to create incredible impact in your personal world

* Receive personal clarity on how to create permanent change in your life

* Get super clear on what you truly desire for your life

* Understand your limitations and where they have come from

*Identify how you see yourself in the world and what to do about it

*18 page reflection workbook for this lesson

The Wisdom of Consciousness, Energetics and Awareness

What you will learn in Day 2

*The key transformation required for the law of attraction to work in your life

* Why your energy is vital to your transformation and how to use it

*How to awaken connection to the universe inside of you for miraculous impact

* How to fall in love with your life as it is right now

* Learn how to talk to the universe and get it to respond

*Includes a 13 page reflection workbook with this lesson

Integrating Self Image With Energy

What you will learn in Day 3

* How to tie it all together to become a manifesting master genie

* Understanding the signals you are sending to the universe and their importance

* The power of your attention and how to focus it to become a genius creator

* Awakening your super vision for your life that has been dormant

* How to craft the discipline of mind required to create change

* Includes a 12 page reflection workbook



Are you coming…

3 hours of life changing content…

44 page clarity workbook…

Keys to your transformation are a click away…