• You feel like something is missing because you have a bigger sense of purpose but don’t have the clarity on what that is…

  • You have given all your focus, time and energy in supporting others like your family, employer, business or friends that you’ve forgotten what your dreams ever were…

  • You’re tired of the noise in your head that keeps telling you you’re not good enough and that you’ll never have what you want…

  • You feel frustrated and stuck because any progress you make feels temporary…

  • You keep comparing yourself to other woman who are successful which spirals you downward even deeper into self doubt…

  • You’re lost connection with your true self but don’t know how to rediscover who you truly are or what you want…

  • You’ve tried so many manifesting methods but nothing seem to be working so you’re discouraged, frustrated and confused about how to make changes in your life…

  • You’re unfulfilled and feel like life is slipping away from you and that you are running out of time…

Imagine this…

Bouncing out of bed every morning refreshed and in awe of your incredible life…

Being able to make a positive impact in the world in your job or business and your family…

Everything is going so perfectly and harmoniously that you have to pinch yourself because it’s hard to believe that it’s all so perfect...

Being in a constant state of gratitude because you are living your best life right now…

You’re so relaxed because you know how to create the thoughts that bring you incredible things on demand…

An abundant flow with such ease and grace it feels miraculous...

THE PROBLEM IS - Most people are living unfulfilled lives wishing things were different and never reaching their full potential to step into their dreams.

And here’s why:

They haven’t been shown how to get what they want

They haven’t been taught how to use the tools they were born with to create the life their soul is yearning to experience…

They haven’t been taught how to use the most powerful creative resource available that is inside of them…

Society has taught them that they are not good enough which leaves them with deep seated feelings of unworthiness, guilt and shame…

They constantly compare themselves to others making them feel small and have lost belief in what is possible

They have settled for a life of less than, because they think that this is all they deserve or can achieve….

They believe that the material world is the truth of who they are and that they are not in control

They feel lost and stuck because you have forgotten who they truly are…





Life is meant to give you all your dreams and desires. It’s meant to provide you with more money that you can spend, more dreams than you’ve got time to experience and more joy than you can ever fathom.

It’s really not that difficult but you have been fooled into believing that you don’t have what it takes, that you aren’t worthy and have to work hard and struggle all of your life. It’s the BS to keep you small, to keep you in the job and to keep you following the herd.

Just look at the world. Most people are buying into that myth. It’s a fallacy and it’s time to break the cycle of living small and not getting what you have always wanted.

All it takes is some structure, clarity, someone to lead you and to show you how to control your mind to get there.

It’s really that simple…



I remember life not so long ago. 11 years to be precise. I was separated from my husband, living off one meager income and driving my old car to work with a broken heater in the freezing Canberra winter with a blanket over my lap and sheepskin boots on my feet just to stay warm. My work stiletto heels were on the floor of the passenger side to change into when I arrived at work. I didn’t have the money to pay $1,795 to fix the heating!!

I know… Not fun!

I didn’t see a bright future for myself and lived pay cheque to pay cheque with minimal savings, working in a high pressure job I didn’t like. I was making half a million dollars in sales annually for my boss and making HIM rich instead because no-one ever told me it could be different!

Somewhere deep inside of me, there was a burning desire to feel unlimited, to experience more, have more and be free to enjoy the riches that life has to offer. It seemed so far away but somehow I just felt that there was a better way to live a life of freedom and abundance because I knew others on social media were. I kept asking myself, why can’t I have what they have? I was determined to find it and I made a clear conscious decision.

I set an intention to find the way.


We now have a significant investment portfolio in crypto currency and property and it all happened by the principles I now teach others. We’ve built a dream home with a pool I have always wanted. We go on multiple trips per year including overseas trips each such as Hawaii, Japan, Europe, the USA and we have a zest for life because we have zero financial stress and live abundantly with ease. On my last trip I even managed to manifest a business class ticket (woo hoo) on my way to Vietnam in 2023 year to meet hubby who was there on a golf trip with mates.

I know what it’s like to go without and I know what it’s like to be abundant. Most of us don’t realise that it literally is a conscious decision you must make for things to change.

The only difference between having and not having is awareness and information! After investing at least one hundred thousand dollars in my own personal development and education with courses and coaches over decades, it has changed everything for me and now I want to share it.




I turned my office cubicle into a vision board with images I wanted to experience in my life like exotic trips to incredible places. Images that represented riches and success because I needed the inspiration to follow my dreams. A few months later I took a huge risk. I quit my job in search of that better life because I received a significant bonus which equaled 3 months of pay. I had set the wheels in motion in my mind and miracles started to show up for me. The universe supports your decisions! Always. It’s the law…

So off I went on my personal inward journey to create an amazing abundant future. To activate the seeds of abundance which I knew were somewhere deep inside of me.

I reconciled with my husband and started receiving frequent cheques in the mail. One of them was a six figure cheque. I built a team of 4,000 people in over 50 countries in a Network Marketing company and traveled the world. I started making money in my sleep!

I stayed in exotic places for FREE like Singapore, Dubai, a 5 night cruise on the Mediterranean Sea, Macau, the Hyatt in Orlando and more. It was incredible. The office cubicle vision board was now my physical life experience! I was the only person in the office who put inspirational images on my cubicle, by the way.

I stayed in multiple 5 Star hotels around Australia and the world, dined at a table filled with millionaires at the Marina Bay Sand and so much more. It was amazing! My life was becoming joyous and so magnetic…


Other amazing things that have happened was being invited to be the keynote speaker at events both in Australia and NZ. The most recent was with entrepreneurial women where I taught my abundance techniques and the universal principles I live by. Principles I teach in my courses. Lives are transformed just like Sharn’s testimonial below at one event. When Sharn heard what I shared, she was suddenly open to seeing life from a different perspective and began to visualise possibility.

It opened her mind and change her perception, which is the starting point to change.

It all starts with a decision and with that decision, must come action.

Nothing changes until you do.

So in order for change to occur, you must follow your intuition and take action on that niggle.

Sometimes the leap of faith is all it takes to alter the course of your destiny.

It really is that simple!

Testimonial from an event attendee


Now I live a beautiful designer reality…

My designer life includes:

Building a dream home.

Taking my daughter to the Maldives for a dream mother/daughter experience.

A dream business that serves others to remember who they are with incredible results..

A life I truly love and am inspired by…

It all started with a desire, a mindset shift, remembering who I am and shifting the belief of my worthiness to step into possibility…

Once I learned how to magnetize my desires, I created a new future which I now teach other women how to do…


I have met the most amazing influential people along my travels to find the truth about creating an incredible life…






You are Creative…

The world is mirroring back to you what you have been thinking and feeling and it is showing up as your life…

You have not been trained on how to use the most powerful tool you already possess…

Your subconscious mind controls the signals you send to the universal Field of Creation which then magnetizes those signals as experiences back to you in your life…

Your thoughts and words have more power than you can EVER imagine…

You are meant to live your dreams and that’s why you have them…

Here’s what some of our other clients are saying…



This program was born out of a desire to put together the most potent material I had studied over decades that literally transformed my life. These lessons are the keys to creating the life I now love. It’s the compilation of ancient wisdom, quantum mechanics and a deep understanding of the nature of reality. Once you learn this material, there is no going back to ordinary because you will learn how to create extraordinary. It’s the MUST HAVE COURSE for any woman who feels like she is running out of time to achieve her dreams because it is the FAST TRACK method to transformation. No fluff. Just proven concepts throughout time.


Module 1 - First Cause

Take the first steps of becoming the most powerful magnetic cause of your magical reality by understanding the universal principle of the I Am Effect…..

*Introduction : Why this course will change your life…

* The simple process to connect to what you want and actually move in the right direction to getting it…

* How to use the most effective biblical two word declaration that will change everything….

* How to communicate with the Universe with precision to make sure it hears you and delivers you exactly what you’re asking for…

* Remove the biggest blocks to getting what you want and how to eliminate them…

* The little known method to re-engineer your thoughts to align them with your dreams…

* Connect with the deep hidden forces that are working behind the scenes on your behalf to amplify your results fast…

Module 2 - The Magic Wand

In this module we will take you deep into your soul. We learn how to clarify and define exactly what your heart has been longing for. Here we get crystal clear and identify the seeds of desire within you so that you have a destiny and a new vision for what you want…

* How to get clear on what you truly want so that you can define and align with your purpose

* How to focus your mind to get incredible results easily…

* The proven tool to shift your limiting beliefs to allow you to have what you want…

* The simple system to create your manifesting roadmap to make it effortless and how to use it effectively…

* The little known secret to training your mind to work for you on autopilot…

* The most powerful path to get clear on your intention and your vision for your life…

* How to de-clutter your mind to break-free of your limiting thoughts…

* The incredible imprinting system to thinking big and feeling unlimited…

* How to plant what you want in your subconscious mind to change your primary focus to become an irresistible magnet.

Module 3 - Dimensionalising Your Desires

In this lesson we give form to the new seeds so that they can now grow and be anchored into our energy field. Here we begin to give instructions to the universe. This enables the seeds to become super magnetic.

* How to anchor your goals to give them life and dimension, to help you stay on track..

* The process of crystalizing your desired manifestations for amplified results…

* The ultimate step by step system for clarity of purpose…

* How to tune into the quantum world to manifest with certainty for definite results…

* Learn the power of focus to move energy into matter and dreams into reality…

*The little known hack on how to trust the process and eliminate doubt without getting frustrated…

* Identify your own personal specific anchors to magnify certainty in attaining your deepest desires…

* The 3 biggest manifesting mistakes that people make while they wait for their dreams to show up and how to stop doing them…

Module 4 - The Centre of Divine Operation

This transformative module provides you with the keys to the universe. It includes the most powerful Manifesting Meditation to activate your centre of divine operation in the field of possibility…

* The elusive system to step into your vision energetically…

* How to give life to your dreams and visions to make them more powerful, magnetic and potent…

* The most powerful meditation you will ever do that will give you goosebumps and 10X your results for faster manifestation…

*The secret to allowing your dreams to show up…

* The amazing technique to preview your future before it shows up and how to feel it to attract it…

* The biggest mistake that people make with creating their vision which dilutes its power to show up…

* The most powerful technique ever created to move desires from energy into matter

*The step by step CORRECT way to visualise with amazing precision…

Module 5 - Amplify Your Desires

This module warp speeds you to your magnificence with these steps to sink even further into your subconscious mind where the seeds of your reality are planted. It’s the system for expansion to help you stay on track to forge your destiny

* How the Universe depends on you for it’s expansion and why it’s vital for you to live your purpose…

* The step by step system to amplify your success…

* Why your destiny is calling your name and how you can respond to it…

* The proven mind-map to catapult you to your desired outcomes…

* The four part process to create your determined action steps to secure your destined future

* The daily routine designed for success and abundance that creates certainty…

* How to remain steadfast and focused with your vision to keep you on track for precise manifesting…

* The clear pathway to your purpose and how to fulfill it…

* The process to awaken the awareness of what’s possible for the incredible life that is waiting just for you…

Printable worksheets for each module…

Incredibly powerful meditation I personally created based on one of the most powerful visualization teachers of the early 20th century, to download and have permanent access to magnetize your new life..

Private Facebook community group where you can have all your questions answered and connect with like minded women on the same journey. Priceless!!!

Weekly Q & A Live sessions for 8 weeks to support your journey and have your questions answered…

Lifetime access to the program PLUS a personal invite back to the next LIVE round sessions…

This ACTIVATE BUNDLE was so powerful and the transformation phenomenal, that I am inspired to offer these BONUSES for the next LIVE round of ACTIVATE Q & A…

I don’t know how long I will have this Bundle available so if you are feeling called to participate because you are stuck, unfulfilled and don’t know what to do or how to make the shifts you need to create change, then I don’t believe in accidents or coincidence. There is a reason you are seeing this. The universal principle of the Law Of Attraction is ‘ask and it is given’ so if you are reading this, you have asked on a soul level. Nothing shows up as a coincidence.

When you take the steps to create change, the universe gives you the signs on how to get there. It comes in the form of a hunch, and inspiration to take action on something, sudden extra money coming in, synchronicity or the right thing showing up for you at exactly the right time. As if by magic.

I’ve had clients who had invested in themselves through my coaching or programs and suddenly received bonuses at work, new opportunities, new jobs , miraculously deleted debt or had unexpected money show up for them.

This is how it works! When you trust and follow the inner calling to take action for yourself, you are showing the universe that YOU ARE IMPORTANT and the universe responds to the inner desire and supports you on that journey. It’s a beautiful tango of infinite intelligence with the SELF.


My goal is to make this a no brainier for you so that you can start crafting a life you will love now, with huge bonuses…

When you join today you will receive the following:

For joining us today, I am including my 7 Steps To Creating The Life You Desire complete program containing 7 exclusive powerful Modules with a 38 page workbook crammed with goodness.

This program is a self study course. It is designed to give you the essentials to shifting your blocks and getting yourself out of the way of creating a life you can love. It will expose you to what is missing for you, show you how to follow your internal guidance system and teach you how to get into alignment to attract what you want.

It is the blueprint for the Law Of Attraction and will kick start your way to get you to where you want to go, eliminate what is holding you back and truly create remarkable shifts in your world.

What’s included:

Module 1 - What’s The Real Problem - The illusion of a made up perception of reality which is holding you back from your magnificence

Module 2 - Who You Truly Are and Why You Came Herean in depth understanding of the deepest level of who you truly are and how to connect to it

Module 3 - Understanding Your Desires… the truth about why you want certain things and why they are significant and important to act upon and pursue

Module 4 - Follow Your Internal Guide… How to listen to your intuition and how it’s guiding you to your personal fulfillment

Module 5 - How The Law Of Attraction Works… An in depth understanding of the laws of the universe so that you can know how to apply them with certainty

Module 6 - How To Get Into Alignment… How shifting your consciousness, your language and focus toward what you want is everything

Module 7 - Steps To Abundance… 10 pages of pure gold. My step by step system to manifesting in thought, word and deed. Custom affirmations and what to do with them to warp speed results, gratitude, surrender and much more… The ultimate collection of ideas.


Think And Grow Rich, written in 1937 by Napoleon Hill, is coined to have been the cause of creating the most amount of successful people in the world. A fundamental read to learn about the principles of success in a step by step format with precision and clarity. A must read for anyone who wants to achieve greatness in their lives and one that Bob Proctor taught for over 50 years.

Your Word Is Your Wand, written in the late 1920’s by Florence Scovel Shinn teaches how the importance of what you say and how the words you speak are creating your life. In her powerful book, Florence shows you how to shift your language to become a deliberate creator using the power of words.

The Science Of Getting Rich by Wallace D Wattles is a masterpiece. Written in 1910 this book was the inspiration behind the movie The Secret by Rhonda Byrne. This incredible book contains timeless pearls of wisdom. It describes the process by which one can focus one’s mental energies toward the attraction of financial success delving into the power of the invisible realm, or ‘formless substance’ where all things are begin before they are made manifest into physical form. A highly intuitive book that is the inspiration behind massive transformation for it’s readers.


A COPY OF MY 7 STEPS TO MANIFESTING MONEY NOW e-BOOK. These 7 abundance principles are the exact step by step actions I took to create amazing money flow in my life. One of the methods had over 200,000 views on YouTube, until YouTube took it down! I’m still devastated about that!! Anyway… Hundreds of comments were left from people sharing how money was coming to them unexpectedly and in miraculous ways.

My step by step money blueprint is yours as a bonus which you can implement instantly and start attracting money immediately!


Private Coaching Call

There’s nothing more powerful than a one to one call with a coach.

This coaching call will help you integrate everything you have learned over 2 months and will hold you by the hand to make sure you get your questions answered personally so you can get the best outcome possible.


But for a limited time only!

So let’s recap.

  • You get the 7 Steps to Creating A Life You Desire Course

  • 3 of the BIGGEST transformational books in history

  • A one to one coaching call (limited time only)

  • The Activate Program

  • 8 weeks of Live Q & A PLUS personal invitations to ongoing rounds of the Live calls which is a powerful container for deeper transformation like a mastermind

  • A private Facebook Community to connect with like minds for ongoing support

  • My 7 principles to my money attraction system that REALLY WORKS!

So that’s 12 course content modules, 8 weeks of Live Q & A calls, 3 of the best personal development books of all time, my money attraction system which changed my financial life, community support AND a personal coaching call.

WOW! tHIS IS MASSIVE VALUE AND SOMETHING i WISH I HAD DECADES AGO because i could have saved myself many years of struggle to get the results this bundle offers…



Are you coming?

When you invest in yourself, the universe responds...

When you pay for your transformation, you pay attention…

When you know it’s your time, you take the next step…

When you don’t want to live another day of doubt, confusion, unworthiness, not feeling good enough and stuck, then let’s start the journey…

Because I invested in my future self for decades, life rewarded me for it in incredible ways..

It’s the only way to quantum leap, by taking action in faith…

Nothing changes, if you don’t…

A change in consciousness is required to change your reality…



“It’s not enough to know. It’s time to know how” - Dr Joe Dispenza

PS: If you have any questions, please email me at support@manifestwithanna.com